Featured In: AusBiz

Nick Browne Director
4 minutes July 7th, 2022

Residential aged care is vital infrastructure particularly with Australia’s ageing population, Nick Browne from Jameson Capital says it offers an attractive entry point for investors with good pricing. Further, Nick said the prospects are good for the medium to long term. Australia’s population aged over 85 years of age is set to double before 2040. The number of residential care places over the next decade is growing. Despite this the number of residential care providers is in decline. Extensive government backing is in the sector, many providers seeking to work with the private sector or house the elderly. Nick said their target market is a wealthy demographic, an affluent target market with a high level of accumulated wealth from growth is residential property prices. Nick went into why investors should consider investing into residential aged care including; residential market is slow, with strong support from banks among the factors.

Watch the full interview here.